Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I'm really wanting to go in a new direction with my jewelry. I still want to do lanyards and such, but I want them a bit.....more sophisticated. After all, I *am* 25 now. (Ha......ha.)

But seriously, I am really liking the Swarovski crystals still (my mother knows that anything with Swarovski in the name is good in my book), and I really have a new-found fascination with gemstones.

I want to go into more sterling, gold-fill, etc........in a nutshell, higher end pieces. But still unique. I have been pondering about what makes my jewelry "Erica", and it's proving to be harder than I thought it would be. I was told to do what I love.....but I love making all my pieces. What a conundrum!

Sooooo....what would you like to see coming from my shop? What current pieces do you like? Which ones don't you like? Honest opinions are valuable; I think of it as market research.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Birthday Contest!

As you may know, tomorrow I'm turning 25, and on top of the special 25% off sale I have running right now, I've decided to also run another contest! The prize? A $25 gift certificate to my store on Etsy or Facebook!

There are a few ways to enter, but you must comment here with your entry in order to be counted. You can enter as many times as possible, but only one entry per comment will be counted, so if you enter more than once, remember to leave additional comments!

1. Follow this blog

2. "Like" my fan page on Facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/eldesignsbyerica )

3. Leave a comment on one of the pictures on Facebook (or you can comment here on one of the items on Etsy if you don't have a Facebook)

4. Follow me on Twitter ( http://www.twitter.com/eleighb85 )

Remember, leave one comment for each entry here on this blog, and please make sure I have a way to contact you if you are the winner!

The contest will run until June 30th, to give everyone a good amount of time to enter.

**(Please note, the $25 gift certificate is not valid on custom orders. Any pre-made pieces/supplies are eligible however.)

Edit: I also want to add, which Amy helped bring up: If you already follow or "like" me, PLEASE feel free to comment here stating that! You may already have a few entries! Comments on my facebook page will, however, only be counted if they are new, since some are from previous contests. :D

Holy Crap I Have a Blog

Well whaddyaknow. I have a blog. Oops. SORRY!!!!

Long story short I'm in Alaska now. We're semi-settled, and the shop is doing, well.......I have stuff listed. ;) It's going to be a little harder than I thought to swing back into things.

For one, Alaska is BEAUTIFUL! I want to get out of the house as much as possible and be out in nature, which is very unlike me, but hey, if you were here, you'd want to be outside too!!

^See what I mean? GORGEOUS!

Aaaaaanywho, I am trying to network to possibly get my jewelry into some sort of gift shop or salon, but I'm not able to leave the house very often. It's hard to be taken seriously when you're toting three little kids at the same time.

On a personal note, my oldest will start FIRST grade in two months!! I feel old. I seriously thought she just started school, and here she is already in first grade.

She's starting to take interest in my jewelry designing, and "approves" of certain designs. She's really just trying to blow up my ego :) I think I'll take it, lol.

And of course, for the promo bit, I'm turning 25 tomorrow and am running a 25% off sale on Etsy and on Facebook until Saturday, June 26th. Great time to get the patriotic pieces I have listed in time for the 4th!

I promise, I will TRY to update this more often, although you're more than welcome to berate me for waiting so long. I'm a horrible blogger!